Social Studies 4/23/12

Students will begin to understand the following standards...

Geography 2b. Compare how differing geographic perspectives apply to a historic issue...

History 2a. Determine and explain the historical context of key people and event...
  • On a sheet of paper, answer the questions for World War II Quiz 2!!!
    • Yes, the numbering is somewhat confusing...number your answer sheet exactly the way you see them on the slides!
    • Remember, if you scored 21 or higher on the last quiz you may skip to the final two slides!!!
  • Work on your presentation...I have taken the time to provide/make sure that the descriptive quotes are appropriate for this presentation. I have changed/upgraded much of the information. However, I did not cite the new information properly. I did provide the link for any information I used. You must make sure you cite your sources properly on you presentation.
  • Follow the directions...Please!!!
  • Maps
  • Eyewitness accounts

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